The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Why I will never live without a dog again

Opinions columnist, 2007-2022
July 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. EDT
Michael Gerson with his dog, Latte. She died in 2021. (Michael Gerson)
5 min

Everyone must take a summer break from the relentless negativity of the news, which unfortunately reflects the relentless negativity of reality. So let me introduce you to Jack.

Jack is a puppy I picked up last week, eight months after the death of my much-loved Havanese, Latte. As soon as I brought Jack home — a powder puff of black and white, curvetting in the grass, all fluff and playful fury — I was reminded of the quandary and question that greets dog owners: Why do we take new dogs into our lives, knowing we will be decimated by their deaths?